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The Chamber Mission

The Regional Chamber of Commerce – San Gabriel Valley shall be a premier organization providing advocacy, education, and networking resources for a better business and community environment.

The Regional Chamber of Commece proudly belongs to the

San Gabriel Valley Legislative

Coalition of Chambers

Advocating on Behalf of Business!

Workforce Investment Board


The Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 replaced the Job Training Partnership Act, a training oriented program targeting low-income and dislocated workers administered by Workforce Investment Board (WIB) formerly known as the Private Industry Council. By combining funds and services of many programs, WIA establishes a new model for workforce and economic development with emphasis on universal access to services, lifelong learning, customer choice and flexibility. The goal is to improve the quality of the workforce, encourage career mobility, and improve business competitiveness through increased workforce productivity.

The Workforce Investment Act provides employment, literacy, education and self-sufficiency services to approximately 40,000 individuals annually. This legislation will help businesses save time and money through a variety of employment, training and information services, including training and placement, tax credit certification and information services. WIA brings together many separate federal and state employment, education and training programs under a single umbrella.



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